Salon #54 – Luis Weinstein / Photobooks from Chile

9 February 2022: 10×10 hosted a salon on photobooks from Chile with photographer Luis Weinstein in a private home in Manhattan.

Photobooks from Chile
Chile Ayer Hoy, Sergio Larrain’s El rectangulo en la mano and Alfonso Alcalde’s Vivir o morir.

Chilean publications written with photographs have a long tradition of over 150 years and cover a wide range of genres, from photobook essays to almost hand-made visual poetry, from political propaganda to large coffee table books to albums edited by private companies. Talented authors, graphic designers and editors have established an incredibly diverse repertory. Weinstein, co-editor of Una Revisión al Fotolibro Chileno (A Review of the Chilean Photobook), will share his deep knowledge of historical and contemporary photobooks from Chile.

Luis Weinstein and Enrique Lihn /E ugenio Dittborn
Luis Weinstein’s Volume No. 2 of Ediciones de fotografia Chilena and Enrique Lihn /E ugenio Dittborn’s Lihn y pompier.

Luis Weinstein is a documentary photographer and editor, as well as lecturer and researcher on photography. He has a degree in Communications and a Master’s in Cultural Management. Weinstein founded the South American photomagazine, Sueño de la Razón. He is the author of ten photobooks and has participated in over 40 exhibitions in diverse venues, including museums and photo festivals, since 1977.

Salon 54
David Solo explores some of the Chilean photobooks on view.
Luis Weinstein shares books.
Luis Weinstein showing books.
Salon 54
Books on view.
Luis Weinstein presents.
Luis Weinstein discussing historical Chilean Photobooks.